Tuesday, June 16, 2020

What is the Windows Subsystem for Linux

We can think of WSL as a compatibility layer that runs between your Windows operating system and a Linux kernel. It is installed as an optional component on your Windows computer or server (in our example Windows Server 2019). Once this level is installed, you can run Linux commands from a Linux command line as if you were sitting in front of a native Linux computer.

This opens up many options for administrators, developers, and software testers who need to quickly test scripts, programs, or commands without replacing computers or turning on a Linux virtual machine.

Why Use WSL?
The first and most obvious reason to use WSL is that the installation causes less headaches than virtualizing a Linux box. This is especially true if you want to run a script on another computer near you. If you run WSL from your server, you can access the network as usual, but on Linux. This leads to a better test experience because if configured correctly when running bash scripts on the network with WSL, little or no configuration is required.

The second reason is applications. Many applications Since the 1990s, some Linux variants have corresponded to application memory that can be accessed from the command line. This pioneering software delivery system has found its way into modern Linux distributions and thus into the WSL.

In Ubuntu WSL, for example, your system can update all file dependencies on your system with a simple command before installing the requested application from an Internet repository.

Progress is largely automated, except for the occasional user request to press the "Y" and "RETURN" keys to accept the installation. Better still, it's completely transparent so you can see every step of the installation on the command line. The WSL works the same way, so the extensive catalog of packages and applications is immediately available.

A third reason to use WSL is to impress your friends and colleagues with your new Linux skills. Starting a bash session from a Windows command line is also a surreal experience at first.

Finally, there is the security problem. Before Microsoft had a reliable patch cycle, Linux systems were seen as the safest option for hosting critical services in companies and organizations. Updating the entire operating system from the command line is a simple task that takes all dependencies into account automatically. WSL is the same. This makes it a safe option as long as you keep your systems up to date.

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